Monday, July 27, 2015


Big ouchie on Sunday morning when Chippy ran and jumped on the couch, somehow landing on his forehead.  With everyone in a varying state of undress, we jumped in the car and headed for emerg.  Four stitches later he's patched up and as good as new!   Chippy was crying in pain when it happened, but he cried even more when we said we were taking him to the doctor! Almost worth going when they give you teddy bears and popsicles ... and the stitches didn't even hurt!  He was a very brave boy (who has learned his lesson about jumping head first onto the couch)!


  1. Good for you Chippy for being so brave! That's quite the ouchie!

  2. I have never heard of a hospital that gives out freezies, teddy bears, AND fixes you right up!! Bet your ouchie will be almost all better by Dock Days time, Chippy!
