Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Finally Cottage Time!!!

It was a short visit to the cottage this year, but we packed a lot in!  Had our annual UNO tournament where Wee M was the grand champion.  We had Kwartha Dairy ice cream, watched Danger Mouse, Webers hamburgers in a train, cottage pancakes with cottage blueberries picked by Bubba and Wee M, paddle boat rides around the island, a chat with a loon, a cottage haircut, Chippy practiced with his new-to-him camera, and the kids swam - with Chippy being brave enough to float without anyone holding onto him!


  1. Looks like a great cottage visit! I am dying to hear about the chat with the loon!

  2. Looks like were busy every single second!! And the weather was certainly co-operating from the looks of things.
