Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

Best cake decorators ever! Chippy ices and Chippette decorates (and eats!)

Ms. Snow White

Mr. Spiderman

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Another busy day!

An early morning monster run followed by a birthday party in the afternoon. Halloween crafts tonight!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Busy Day

A busy day today with soccer/swimming in the morning, then a 'playdate' with Jay, and a birthday party for Karl!  

Chippy finally warmed up to soccer (on the last day!!) when he was asked to play in goal.  The coach showed him how to kick the ball when the other team was charging down the field.  Dad said that Chippy was awesome ... he stopped almost all the balls and their team won!  They got medals and 'munchkins' (a.k.a Timbits) at the end of the game - and Chippy was very proud of his medal!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

We did pumpkin carving with K&W&E last weekend ... and ended up with about 10 pumpkins in the process!  We are well pumpkin'd for Halloween!  The kids had a great time together since we don't see much of one another any longer!

Notice the pic of Wee M sitting by herself at the table!  This is becoming a regular occurrence at dinner time.  Chippy and Wee M spend so much time goofing off, that it's an effort to get them to finish their dinner.  On top of that, Wee M is so slow in eating, that she's an extra 20 min on top of everyone else!  So, while everyone else is off cleaning up or playing, she sits happily picking away at her food.  Even with her dessert she takes teeny tiny bites!

However, we must all reassemble when she's ready to to put on her show!!  Wee M is pretty amazing with her shows.  It's usually a song or a story.  Her stories are getting really detailed.  They usually include Dunning getting sprayed by a skunk, but they are evolving to include a lot more detail.  She's also able to tell us a lot more about what's going on at school.  Questions that I ask out of habit are now being answered with real events!

In other updates, the kids were also having issues going to bed at night, but we have (partially) solved that issue by setting up sticker charts on their door!  After they get 6 stickers (6 good bedtimes), they get to watch a Dora or get a small Lego or something to that extent.  We're on sticker chart no. 5 and it's working a charm!

Both kids have settled in at their respective preschools.  Wee M is still a little sad in the mornings, but she gets over it pretty quickly.  When I pick her up at night she bounces down the hall sticking her head in each door to wave goodbye to anyone and everyone!  Chippy gets upset when I pick him up as he's usually halfway though a new building creation or craft.  Since starting full time, Chippy has started to do a lot more crafts.  He's really into making masks right now - and he has been colouring a lot more, too!

Cram Show - Pumpkins

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Cram Show

For whatever reason, the kids (Wee M in particular) have been really into putting on little performances for us!  After dinner Wee M will go on … and on … and on …. :)
The creative side is blossoming as Chippy is starting to do a lot more colouring and drawing than he used to do.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Arnold Arboretum

Today was a perfect day for a trip to the Arnold Arboretum to try and get some good pictures of the kids.  A bit too much sunshine and two kids who only wanted silly pictures resulted in one good picture out of 242!!