Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Day in Kennebunkport!

The kids spent most of yesterday afternoon playing on the beach! Chippy dragged his shovel the length of the beach twice while Wee M spent her time running from monster waves! A Tommy Hilfiger commercial was shooting right next to us!


Wee M has been practicing her name in advance of school. Behind the scribbles is a first attempt at the full name, with just a bit of hand guiding from mom! I's and a's were done by herself!

Splash Pad

Two weeks from the end of summer and we finally find a splash pad 5 minutes from the house!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

A day in the life...

Lego ... Park ... Sticky tabs all over self...

Garden in the Woods

A great little garden/forest near Framingham that the kids loved to explore. First time I saw Chippy spend more than 3 minutes on a craft. He coloured his butterfly for a good 15 minutes and only stopped under protest!

A Visit to School

This wee girl is ready for school. On the day we visited, she packed her lunch and insisted on eating it while we were there. She played in the lego bin and would have been quite happy to spend the day!

A Visit from Gram n' Bubs!

So, looks like Bubs has rocketed into favourite BOA position!

The kids were sad to see Grammy and Bubba 2 go at the end of their visit. They were kept busy with downtown Boston adventures, car trips, and crafts!

Dance Class!

At the Attleborough Zoo