Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Great-Auntie Adventure

The kids has a sleepover at Bubba two's house and it looks like a success!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Splash Pad Picnic

Went the the splash pad picnic with Wee M and Chippy and 
returned with Harry Potter and Cinderella!

Last Day at Little House

Wee M recently  had her last day at the little house!  It was her last day with Teacher Katie who she has had all year, and it was her last day of Summer Ballet!

John Deere

The John Deere continues to be a huge draw for both kids.  Modification of the seat was required as Chippy is almost too big to drive - but it's still perfect for Wee M!  She completely has the hang of driving - she can reverse, go forward, and go in super speed!!

Unlimited Jumps with Pa!

Unlimited jumps has come to the next generation!  Chippy and Chippette both ran and jumped off the dock for the first time this weekend!  They were both a little hesitant at first (which they should be!), but by the end of Saturday they both had no fear.  Chippette continued to have no fear on Sunday, whereas Chippy had a bit more hesitation...

They both got interim report cards from swimming lessons and they're doing great!  I bet spending hours in the big 'pool' after lessons is helping!!

No wonder they're falling into bed a night!

Greenview with L!

The kids had a great week doing crafts and going on Grammy adventures with Cousin L!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Dock Days 2015


What's the first thing Chippy and Chippette do when they arrive in Port Lambton? 
Hop on a float and drive in the Gala Days parade!