Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Run, Chippy, Run!

Chippy entered a River Run type of event here in town.  He was in the 200m event and ran with lots of his friends!  Chippy came home with a medal and a teddy bear!

Freddie the Fox

Freddie the Fox from pre-K came to visit us recently.  Freddie got to sleep in Wee M's room and come to Mommy's work!  Freddie even got an after school snack at the pastry store!

Mother's Day

So, they don't have 5 pin bowling like we know it - but they do have a New England tradition called Candlepin bowling which is almost as good.  The kids had a blast when we went on Mother's Day.

Wee M picked out a new teacup and candle for me at the gift shop in town and Chippy filled out a questionnaire showing how well he knows his mamma!


Chippy and Chipette were good helpers to Gampy when he took down their old swing set.  A week later and we now have a new (safe!) swing set for the kids!  The set passed the friends test over the weekend!

Ballet Peek Day

Another ballet peek day with Miss Emily!  The whole class has improved since the last time we saw them.  Keep it up Motts!

Much better than ...

A Cold Day at the Beach

We spent a VERY cold day in April at the beach!  Fun ... but COLD ... except if you were a child ... they didn't seem to mind!