Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mother's Day

So, they don't have 5 pin bowling like we know it - but they do have a New England tradition called Candlepin bowling which is almost as good.  The kids had a blast when we went on Mother's Day.

Wee M picked out a new teacup and candle for me at the gift shop in town and Chippy filled out a questionnaire showing how well he knows his mamma!


  1. Well, Mommy certainly must have had a fun Mother's Day....and so did everyone else in the family! I think Chippy is a better bowler than Grammy already.......we will have to have a challenge round soon. And he certainly does know his mom.....that page is so precious!

  2. Can I come bowling Grammy? Sounds like the perfect Mothers Day! I love his view of mom-really good at counting money! So sweet.....

  3. it only makes sense that an a-ccount-ant would be COUNTing something!!! And money is a good thing to count!!! Love it. He and Lucie could be besties in food likes, cause Mac and Cheese is her favourite as well. As for the bowling....Chippy has one sweet style for knocking down those pins.... a perfect Mothers Day activity!

  4. Chippy's Great-Grandpa would be very impressed with everyone's bowling skills ..... I would like. Dinner invite when Mummy cooks Mac and of my favs too!
