Saturday, October 31, 2015

Balloon Delivery!

Look what showed up at lunch today?  A vampire and some pretty awesome balloons!

Post Surgery

As Chippy was waking up after surgery he cried that he wanted to go home.  The nurse said we could!  Less than two hours after waking up, Mummy and Chippy were making leaf houses for ducks, inspecting turtles at Jamaica Pond, and then taking in the new motorcycle exhibit at the Larz Anderson museum!  All that for a boy that was supposed to be staying over night at the hospital!

Birthday Party

Another bday party last weekend - this one for one of Wee M's friends.  Her and Melodi were inseparable!

Lego Land

Last weekend we finally got to Lego Land for K and W's birthdays!  Wee M and mom explored everything, with karaoke  being the highlight.  Chippy stayed at the race car building session for a good portion of the visit!

Fall Pictures

We made our annual trip to the Arnold Arboretum to get some pictures with the fall foliage.  We also stopped by the Larz Anderson Park which has a good view of downtown.

Happy Halloween!

A successful trick or treating night for Queen Elsa and Mr. Potter!  We were even able to use the old 'his arm is broken' line to get more candy out of people! :)

Kindergarten Parade

 Yesterday at school, the Kindergarten kids paraded through the school with the rest of the kids lining the halls.  They played the monster mash over the PA system! 

Friday, October 23, 2015

It's true ...

Chippy broke his elbow while showing mummy some pretty amazing tricks on the monkey bars!  A trip to urgent care and then to Boston Children's resulted in some uncomfortable X-rays and a prett cool red cast!  Back to Children's the next day for a ct scan.  Chippy was a trooper, and enjoyed our 1am and 11am trips to au bon pain!  Sounds like Chippy isn't the only kid with Bowers blood to have broken a bone!

A Day At The Farm

A couple weekends ago Chippy, Chippette, and mummy went to the farm with a friend of mums.  It was such a perfect day - we proceeded to the beach for the remainder of the day!  

Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Perfect Day at Walden Pond!

Missing teeth

Mum is a bit behind in posting. Not only did Chippy have one tooth fall out ... He had TWO fall out!!!  One busy tooth fairy!!  Toothless Chippy is also showing off his pumpkin search artwork!  Can you spy the opposite pumpkin?