Friday, October 23, 2015

It's true ...

Chippy broke his elbow while showing mummy some pretty amazing tricks on the monkey bars!  A trip to urgent care and then to Boston Children's resulted in some uncomfortable X-rays and a prett cool red cast!  Back to Children's the next day for a ct scan.  Chippy was a trooper, and enjoyed our 1am and 11am trips to au bon pain!  Sounds like Chippy isn't the only kid with Bowers blood to have broken a bone!


  1. Oh dear, POOR Isaac! The pic with the cookie 'remnant' is adorable! It looks like he's saying "Well, this isn't the kind of day I thought I was going to have! I'm really pooped but it was all worth it to get this cookie!"

  2. I think that the first picture tells the tale...........Chippy's cape was in the wash!!! That fated day was the ONE day he needed to fly....just a little!!! But a red cast is WAAYYY cool!!! Way better than the old white ones that Juber, Uncle Zio and Cesite had!!! I would just LOVE a red cast!!! Brave boy Chippers!!!

  3. What a week for Chippy! Chippy looks he's holding up pretty well-especially with that cookie in hand-how about mommy and daddy?

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  5. That is one BIG ouchie!! I wince just looking at Chippy's swollen up elbow......just as I winced at Jubie's arm when she broke it, poking madly off in a decidedly crooked direction! Such a brave boy though, and sporting a VERY cool looking cast......

  6. Boys will be boys....poor Chippy! Heal fast lil man...heal fast!
