Tuesday, April 29, 2014


When Wee M was getting ready for bed last night she called herself a Princess, fluffed her hair and then declared herself 'beautiful' (which of course she is)!  It was so funny, we tried to get it on tape ... with a bit of singing thrown in.  Since Pa dropped us off at the airport, this little girl has not stopped singing!

To the park!

Ready for Battle

Over the weekend Wee M and mommy challenged Chippy and daddy to a playmobil battle!!  I personally think that Wee M and mommy won the ultimate battle!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Welcome Baby Merritt!

Welcome baby Merritt! Wee M and Chippy have drawn pictures of you! Chippy drew a picture of the two of you together.

Chippy can't wait for you to come to our house! He thought the pictures of you were 'wow, good!' Wee M says 'hi'!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wee M April Update

Wee M has been growing up quickly these past few weeks!  Her speech has gotten to the point that she can talk about almost anything, and she is almost to full sentences at times.  Her favourite question now is 'why?' or 'why Mommy?'  I hear it 500 times a day.  She still talks in the 3rd person - 'Maisie do it' and she almost exclusively wants to do things 'by self'.

After several months of having the side off the crib, she still won't get out of bed by herself!  Once she is put to bed she stays there and will call out to us if she wants out.

Her and Chippy play really, really well together.  There is inevitably tears from time to time, but they are both guilty of being the aggressor to the same extent.  When someone gets knocked down, we hear running of little feet to the freezer to get the ice pack - no matter what the source of pain!

Her favourite things right now are going to the 'singing house', anything Dora, going to see 'friends' and playing with Baby.  She loves music in the car (Raffi's Baa Baa Black Sheep for her and Lenny Graf's Monster Bash for Isaac).


A shot at getting an early morning 'good' picture of the two of them; a craft that was supposed to be a tree with popcorn blossoms on it; fun with tinker toys ... the official name of this creation was a bat-mo-tumbler-mo-.......-mo something or other