Monday, January 18, 2016


We spent 2 days at Magic Kingdom.  On New Years the crowds were not bad until after lunch, so we got on most rides we wanted.  The second day we did mostly shows, parades and characters due to the lines.  Overall, the kids loved every second of it and likely could have handled a few more hours each day above what the big kids could do!  

Wee M kept her hands up the entire roller coaster ride - she LOVED it!

Just as good was going out for dinner and 'bumping into' Wee M's best friend Melodi!!


  1. Couldn't believe the stamina of these little guys.....Disney world transforms them into Everready bunnies...they can just keep going and going and going.....
    And watching Wee M. on the roller coasters was just a hoot. She is going to be ready for The Bat in no time!
