One of Wee M's greatest achievements over the past few months has been her willingness to try new foods. Like her older brother, she will now try most anything for dessert. It usually needs some prompting and help, but eventually it gets in her mouth. If she doesn't like the taste, she doesn't spit it out anymore - she will fill her mouth with milk and sit there deciding what to do with a mouth full of icky food and milk! She continues to have some meals where she will eat more than anyone else at the table!
Wee M and Chippy are playing together very well. I'd almost say that they are both pretty similar with their imaginative play. Wee M loves to play with 'baby' - wrapping her in her blanket and carrying her around or putting her in the dolly trolly. She will also pretend to give you food out of the pretend kitchen telling you that it's hot and that you should blow on it. Her favourite toy right now has to be baby (cabbage patch baby from her birthday). Chippy can suggest that they do something imaginative and she'll say 'okay!' and be right in there with him - even if she isn't 100% sure what's he's doing.
She's into doing crafts, playing outside, and lots and lots of hide and seek. She also loves her iPad games! One of our greatest challenges (see persistence below) is when she sees the iPad and isn't given a chance to play her games. Shrieks of 'iPad' ensue.
Her favourite books right now are: Each Peach Pear Plum, Little Owl Lost, Catapiller's Spring Time Day, and Caillou. She able to sit through much longer books now and she is taking more of an interest. She likes it, and is more engaged, when we ask her questions throughout the book.
We have been working on her colours and her animals for the past few weeks. Let's just say that we're still working on them! She generally knows her colours and can usually indicate the colour if given a couple of options. Black and white and orange seem to be the best so far (other than the guesses of pink or yellow for everything else).
Something that Wee M can do better than Chippy is blow her nose! They both have sniffles right now and Wee M can give a hard blow with no problem! I don't think Chippy knew how to blow his nose until he was at least 3 1/2!
One of Chipette's endearing traits is her persistence! This girl can kick up a fuss until you come in to make things right. Yesterday she had quite a long afternoon nap, so she was not so keen on going to bed at night. She had four tight tucks and she was still asking for more. She must have carried on for an hour before she finally realized she wasn't getting another one!

Growing soooo fast!!! Hard to imagine she is soooo grown up!! And about the persistence?? Cannot imagine where that comes from..... apple didn't fall far from that family tree!!!