Monday, January 27, 2014

Chippy Update

Chippy has been a very, very good boy these last few months!  Not to say he doesn't have his moments, but he genuinely tries to be good and he genuinely says sorry when he has done something wrong.  Can't ask for more than that!

His #1 passion continues to be lego (see picture where he fell asleep during his quiet time with lego in hand).  He likely spends upwards of 2 hours a day playing lego in his room on days that he is at home.  Second to lego has to be books - specifically books about super heroes.  His favourite book right now is  one that has Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all working together to save the world!  We have him sounding out some of the words as we read.  He does get frustrated easily when trying to read out loud, but he can still spend a long time reading on his own in his quiet time or first thing in the morning.

His drop offs at school this week have been perfect.  Marsha says that he is doing well and his daily report cards indicate that he's usually playing with Charles and Oliver in their free time.  He was song picker 3 days in a row and he thought it was quite funny that he picked 'Off to the Moon' each time.

He continues to eat very well - he'll eat anything to earn a dessert!

He is a good sleeper, too.  He usually doesn't get to bed until about 8:30pm after reading, but he'll sleep in until after 7am almost every day.  I think Wee M normally wakes him up as he is usually up shortly after she is.

We often ask the kids who their top friends are.  It is consistently the same answer now -- Chippy is Chippette's and Chippette is Chippy's!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love the pic of him asleep with his Lego!! That is a determined little engineer!! Does Mommy know that there is a "Lego Movie" coming out??? Oh yes!!! It is called "The Lego Movie", interestingly enough!!!!
    I know one little fella who will want to be first in line!!!
