As soon as I wrote that Wee M doesn't string many words together, she starts to do it all the time! With her love of books and her ability to communicate so well through her speech, she's starting to outgrow the toddler phase and is starting to feel more like a little girl!!
Last night she was sitting in Chippy's seat and so mummy and daddy started talking to her in a deep voice saying 'how are you Isaac' and 'how's your dinner Isaac?'. She responded in an equally deep voice with 'Good' each time! So funny!
Chippy is also developing his speech. He has these little sayings that are so funny! He loves to say 'certainly' ... i.e. 'you can certainly do that mommy!'. And then he says stuff like 'every night before I go to sleep I get to have a tiny little drink' or after being asked if he likes something, 'Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't - it happens sometimes!'

Autumn in Boston looks just about perfect. And there is no lack of interesting things to do and places to see for the Boston Beans. They are both growing up so quickly!