So, there is hope for the wee girl yet! This past month she has astounded us all by trying lots of new foods. Usually daddy has to say very sternly - Maze - don't eat that meatball! She eats it every time! However, there are still lots of things she won't try, like risotto or pancake batter offered up on a finger! We have spaghetti Wednesdays when dad is at school and Wee M eats as much as Chippy and Mummy combined!!
She is also starting to understand that reading books at night prolongs bedtime! She has even started to request books being read to her during the day. There are only a few books that she will sit through, which include current favourites: Playtime, Each Peach Pear Plum, Goodnight Gorilla ('monkey' book), Wacky Wednesday, Andy Warhol's Colors and Maisy's Bedtime. In the above picture she was quite content to sit in the big bed and read for over 20 minutes with mummy!
On the topic of colours, I can't get Wee M to recite back to me any colours. The best I can do is:
Mommy: Wee M - this is Pink! Can you say Pink?
Wee M: Maisie?
Mommy: Wee M - this is Blue! Can you say Blue?
Wee M: Isaac?
So, she is recognizing the colours and associating them with people - I guess that's a first step!
There's no question who her favourite person is. When asked, it's always her big brother! They play really well together and we can leave them relatively unsupervised for quite a while at night when we're cleaning up. Usually ends with Wee M dumping Chippy's lego or some other catastrophe, but they work it out! She will imitate most of what he does. When he wants her to follow him, Chippy will twist his head sideways and get right up into her face and say in a high voice - Maze ... do you want to ...! We are suspicious that most of their 'fights' are the result of Maze pushing Chippy's buttons.
Wee M is still full of drama. Today I caught her with a crayon in her hand, just about to start colouring the wall in the dining room. I ordered her to 'put the crayon down' in my best cop voice, and she slowly put it on the table and gave me the biggest pouty lip before breaking into a huge cry! Oh, poor girl! However, ask her if she wants a snack and the waterworks turn off in an instant! Funny to note that it was Oct 20th when Chippy was almost 2 and I caught him doing the same thing!!
She is a master at her ABC's and her numbers and will sing along with any song. Along with Twinkle Twinkle she loves to play along with Head and Shoulders! She likes to dress up in the police/fireman outfit and likes pushing around her tea trolly or her dolly trolly.
In the kitchen she loves rooting through the kid dish cupboard which is at her height. She had her bowl all ready for the spaghetti tonight and we often find cups and plates scattered around the house.
I think she genuinely enjoys animals - even if she is still a bit scared of Dunning (much better than she was). She loves seeing animals in books and wants to see all the animals at the zoo.