Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Warm Fall Day

What a day we had today!  Started out with a pancake breakfast at the high school - complete with Isaac winning the Cake walk ... then we spent the day outside raking leaves and taking them to the dump! And no dump trip is complete without going to the dump store for a Rapunzel castle!! :)

Let me tell you, this (star spangled) cast is not slowing Chippy down!  He won the top prize in the slap shot competition at the breakfast this morning and he was hitting baseballs out of the park with his left hand this afternoon!


  1. STAR SPANGLED CAST???????? HMMMMMM...........Grammy is going to take a very deep breath. And stock up Canada flag stickers to put all over it the first chance I get!!
    Sounds like a fun day...maybe Chippy's cast is bringing him luck!!

  2. Those are just AMAZING pictures of two pretty darn cute kiddies!!! Mommy is taking some awesome pictures!! That star spangled cast sure is bringing Chippy some luck..... a cake, top prize at slap shots......what next!!! Maybe we should get the Blue Jays to break some arms so that they could win the pendant next year!!!

  3. Just breathtaking pictures!! Sure doesn't look like a broken arm is slowing Chippy down at all!
