Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Train Days

We have been spending a lot of time in the basement building train tracks.  Chippy has become a great track builder.  It normally includes the fire station and all the fire trains and fire trucks from any toy set he has!

Wee M is also getting really good with her imaginative play.  You can definitely see her big brothers influence, though!  Normally it involves driving around a fire truck and asking if there is a fire to be put out!  She'll play with the Sesame Street hospital and playground while talking to the little figures, and she loves playing with the figurines from the WOW sets.

1 comment:

  1. His Uncle Jimmy would be proud of him....such a good train builder! And who could have a better helper than Wee M.? And she likes playing with the little figures?Hmmm...maybe some good Christmas ideas here!
