So, you know how most people's first experience at a major league ball park is to walk out the steps, look out onto the field and take it all in? Well, Wee M's was to walk out ON to the field! Wee M and Chippy took part in the celebrations for Big Papi's 500 home runs! A very fun night -- early pick up from school, green line into the park, t-shirts for all participating, walked out onto the field all by themselves, a chaotic return to parents, hotdogs and cotton candy in the concourse, about 20 minutes in our seats watching the game, a trip to Wally's fun room for kids and then a short trip home! Wow!
(Chippy & Chipette are the ones lingering outside the circle for a few seconds before being pulled into formation - all the kids were forming '500')
This was official during his summer stay at Grammy and Pa's; however, I was only just able to get pictures now! He was a little concerned that this bike was too big, but I think it's just right!
So, the reason we were late to Crane Beach (see other post) is because Chippy wandered into the kitchen after breakfast and asked for a big mixing bowl. He proceeded to mix flour, eggs, sugar, cocoa, ketchup, strawberries, baking powder, dried pineapple, apple, milk, a Ferraro Rocher, and pretzels. He came up with this all himself with a little coaching on adding baking powder. We then waited around for it to cook so that everyone could try a piece! Chippy thought it was great - as did Wee M ... mom and dad thought he had an A+ for effort! :)
We continued our water weekends with a trek to Crane Beach north of Boston only to find out that parking was full and the bus we waited for never really came ... so we loaded up on on lobster and clam rolls and headed back into Boston. Turns out it was the last day for the Frog Pond! We headed over to a great park on the Esplanade and played some football on the field. Overall - turned out to be a great day!
On Saturday afternoon we had a wake for Nana! We decorated, made her favourite foods (+ mussels on Chippy's request) and then Chippy played piano while Wee M danced. This was all followed up by movie night! As an aside, Chippy has started to take an interest in the piano. Daddy said that he spent about a half hour the other day poking notes and playing with the metronome!
Tonight Mummy was Wee M, Wee M was Mummy and Chippy was Daddy. At book time "Wee M" picked out a nice easy book that she thought "Daddy" would be able to read to her -- Hop on Pop! Well, "Mummy" picked up this book and read the whole thing (by heart)! Funnier still is that neither the real Mummy or Daddy have read this book to her more than a couple times!